Website Promotion and Search Engine Optimisation

Marketing driven SEO Advice and Adwords Campaigns.

How much sales power does your website empower right now ?

  • Does your website reflect your off line image ?
  • Can people find your website?
  • Will people find the right information on your site?
  • How many websites link to your website?
  • Which keywords do people use to search for your services?
  • Do people navigate as expected on your website?
  • Are there any technical bottle necks that could keep you from being found?
  • How well do your competitors score in the search engines?

If you don’t know the answer to either one of the above questions, you will benefit from the SEO Advice by MarketBizz. (imagine how much you can gain if you can’t answer any of those questions)

With our advice you will be able to see where you stand right now, and judge how much you will need to invest in SEO to become a major player on the Internet.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are essential to make your website being found; at the right moment, by the right people.

Threat or Opportunity?

Search Engines dominate the web and we see it as our task to help you to rearrange your marketing efforts in such a way that you can actually start using the Search Engines to maximize your performance on the Internet.

How? By optimizing your website at the root, questioning your potential customers, finding the best keywords, earning links, and/or by setting up flexible and cost effective Advertising Campaigns.

MarketBizz has been active in Marketing since 1985 and we started our first real SEO project in 1997. In 20 years time Internet has evolved to one of the most important sales and information channels, and we grew with it, just like many others. But our approach is different.

We take your Internet Marketing to the next level; Not based on the technical possibilities that Internet offers, but based on your Marketing Goals. Not relying on tricks, but by using our knowledge, knowledge of Search Engines, Searchers, Consumers, Clients, Relations, Stake Holders and your Competitors!

Now you can profit from our experience and expertise, and maximize your internet presence, without becoming an expert yourself. (But if you like to learn more or even want to set up a SEO department, we will show you how and why we are doing it; no mystery, no secrets)

Send us an email with:

Your name and function
Your company name
The company url
Your email address
Your 2 strongest competitors
3 most likely keywords for your product or service.
Other websites/ urls you own, and share the same content.

We will send you the Mini-SEO-report of your website without any obligations. But don’t blame us if you want to do a complete SEO project after you received the report.